First Colonial High School

First Colonial High School opened her doors to students for the first time in September, 1966. As one of those first students, I remember the excitement of entering a brand new facility as well as the sadness of leaving behind our beloved Virginia Beach High School. Those first few weeks were not without challenges as construction was not "quite" complete when school opened that year. At first, the place was a regular "hard hat" area. Lockers had not been completely installed, so we shared a locker with one or two others until the new lockers arrived. Our football stadium was little more than a sea of mud so the Patriots played their home games at Princess Anne High School stadium. The team had a rough start, losing the first five games, however, they hit their stride and finished the season with a 3 - 6 record. The last game of the season was the first annual Liberty Bowl where the Patriots defeated Oscar Smith 39 - 0.

The football team played an important role that year as the games provided us with our first opportunity to come together as "Patriots". While most of the student body had come from the former Virginia Beach High School, W. T. Cooke Elementary, and Linkhorn Park Elementary, students that had attended Cox and Kellam High Schools were also assigned to the new school. Old rivalries were quickly put aside and new friendships were made.

"Just as the patriots of Colonial times had to begin again, so we must, relying on old traditions, yet striving to make the ensuing years more productive. By working toward a common goal valued by each one, we shall be able to attain highest maturity. For as they succeeded, so we shall."

-The Heritage, 1967

As I write this, it is hard for me to believe that over thirty years have passed since that opening day. First Colonial has now existed as a high school far longer than Virginia Beach High (1952 - 1966), although Virginia Beach still operates as Virginia Beach Middle School and carries on the proud Seahawks team name. By my estimate, First Colonial has graduated over 10,000 students, which brings me to the point of this web page (you knew I would get there eventually).

With over 10,000 FCHS alumni out there on the loose, we should have our own place on the web... A place to congregate, to renew old friendships, to share information, and to just keep in touch. Please take the time to
sign the guestbook and leave your e-mail address. Use the Alumni Listings link below to view alumni listings alphabetically by year and find former class mates. You can also search this site by keyword. E-mail me with any thoughts, ideas or suggestions for this page. Send in any information you think others might have interest in, including any information regarding reunions. Especially, please send in anything you may come across regarding First Colonial, the REAL Beach High School.

I hope you enjoy your visit!

Lyle Piner (class of '68)


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This web site is maintained by Lyle Piner (
Last updated May 29, 1999
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